Identify Opportunities

Identify how deep is your audience when it comes to organic search.


Fix technical issues

Using tools and expertise diagnose the website fix issues that blocks growth.


Grow your target audience

Formulate strategies to create and fix content to reach a broader audience.


Increased Revenue

Our comprehensive strategy allows us to attain a superior ROI and reduce customer acquisition costs.

About Us

Creating Excellence With Effective Ideas

Over 3 years KYourC Web Media helping companies reach their financial and branding goals.

Step into our world of creativity and innovation. We’re not just thinkers; we’re action-takers. Our team takes data and turns it into tailored strategies that spell success for you. We are in the business of building sturdy bridges, linking customers to your brand and paving the way for online greatness. Join the adventure as we explore the endless possibilities for your digital triumph!

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Our Services

what we do

Every Move We Make on Your Behalf is Backed by Purpose

Social Media Optimization

Let The Social World Know About The Brand You Are Going To Be! Our social media optimization agency is centered on enhancing your social

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Website Development

In today’s fast moving digital world of business. It is important to build a website which is not only user-friendly

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Link Building

Build Authoritative backlinks to improve your search engine rankings. Link building is a critical parameter for enhancing search engine rankings

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SEO Audit

Want to KnowWhy your Website is not Ranking? We can find that for you! After all, your Top-end SEO Audit Report is backed

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E-commerce SEO Services

Our team of SEO experts is dedicated to helping eCommerce businesses like yours achieve higher rankings on search engines, increase organic traffic,

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SEO For Small Businesses

KYourC Web Media is the best option if you are looking for the best SEO company for small businesses. We

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Our Clients

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do you stay updated with SEO industry trends?

    To stay updated with the latest changes in the world of SEO, we keep a close on the latest trends and algorithms of Google. Our SEO company continuously monitors various publications and resources such as Moz, Search Engine Journal and Search Engine Land to know the latest happenings and stay current on the attest advancements. At KYourC Web Media, we also encourage our team members to study online research reports and case studies and learn from real-life examples and insights on how the SEO world is evolving."

  • Will I get Ongoing monthly traffic reporting?

    Yes, we give you access to various monthly reporting packages to provide a real-time report of what's happening with your campaign, such as backlinks, keywords, traffic and more. These reports are tailored to give you access to additional data on the ROI and traffic of particular marketing channels.

  • How much do your monthly SEO packages cost?

    The cost of our monthly SEO packages depends on the type of service you will take, and it also depends on the number of professionals it will need. SEO Discovery offers many affordable packages for agencies, entrepreneurs, and individuals. A general package includes updating website pages, monitoring and updating the internal linking structure, backlink outreach and implementation, content creation, and more. Put plainly, the package cost depends on how much SEO you require to outmatch your competitors. The best approach to knowing about pricing is to speak directly to our SEO team.

  • What can I expect in your on-page SEO package?

    Our on-page SEO package includes keyword research to find the most relevant search terms for your services and products. It also consists of a website audit where we, as an SEO company, optimise the weak areas of your site. A content audit is another part of the package in which our experts analyse every website page to make a content creation and optimisation plan for improving the SEO of your website. The conversion tracking setup is a factor that helps our customers monitor conversion and analyse the quality of our work. Finally, we also do a backlink audit that identifies and removes toxic and spam backlinks.

  • What is the price of SEO for a small business?

    The cost of SEO for a small business depends on the goal of your SEO campaign, its timeline, and the resources needed. It should be remembered that SEO is a long-term investment for the success of your brand, and when done right, it continues to deliver results. At KYourC Web Media, we have qualified, experienced professionals who price their services competitively. The cost of SEO services for a small or medium business ultimately depends on the scope of your project. If you want basic SEO tasks, such as content creation and on-page optimisation, the cost will be less than a comprehensive custom strategy.